Thursday, October 20, 2011


I think waiting is one the hardest things that human beings are asked to do .

First, we have to wait until we grow up, then wait until we know a lot of things and get to understand life , which by the way we don't.
After that, we wait to know what we want to do with our lives.

When we grow up, we wait for love and that comes with the all the endeless time spent on waiting for a phone a call,a message, wait that other person says or does something...

We wait until we meet the right person, we wait to know if she actually is.

The whole process of waiting is sometimes extremely difficult, but I guess that's life.

Life is about learning to enjoy waiting. and enjoying the time that we spend not knowing about things.
The desire of change makes our force and help us get through things.

The present has no meaning if we keep waiting.

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