Monday, October 04, 2010

Sous la pluie...

Je n'ai pas un coeur en pierre.
Je sais ce que ça fait de ne pas avoir ce que l'on veut, de souhaiter quelque chose très fort. D'être déçue.
Je ne vois pas de fin à mon challenge, je cours, j'essaye de rattraper, mais ça avance et ou suis-je?
Une vie parallèle, des pensées parallèles, parasites. Je m'arrête j'évalue la situation. Je continue, ça vaut le coup. Jusqu'à quand?

Et s'il était déjà trop tard et que je suis la seule à essayer de courir, de me forcer, de m'agripper à des idées qui d'une façon évidente sont erronées, fausses, une illusion de monde parfait?

On a tous peur que notre monde s'écroule, en un instant tout peut changer anyway.

Que faire? M'enfuir? Rester? Je suis bien aujourd'hui mais demain? Et hier? L'histoire est peut être un signe..


Unknown said...

life is a work in progress! its very essence lies in evolution and never in a goal to achieve and then to live happily ever after. it is defined by our struggle to understand ourselves and the worls around us, our thirst for knowledge and that eternal persuit of happiness.

keep up and don't look back!

Sarah said...

That's so true.I wish I could always see things thigs this way. Thank you.
I'll try harder!

Unknown said...

You can see things this way all the time. I'll tell you how.

- failure is part of success. If you fail to achieve a goal, that is most likely because you lack the necessary knowledge. Failure gives the opportunity to learn something new. So don't be afraid or embarrassed if you fail.

- if you have to tackle a big problem, it's always easier to break it down to small problems and handle these small problems, one at a time. It's the logic thing to do and it gives you the opportunity to measure your progress more frequently.

- life is about passion! make sure to do things you like, things that matter for you. If you do things because others tell you "This is the right thing to do", you'll most likely fail, because you will lack the necessary drive to resist and face the difficulties that might arise.